Scott Johnson
Russell, Iowa
“For our operation, trying to control the fescue is a huge frustration for us. For the animals we graze, it is like trying to chew on wire and nothing likes to eat it down. We try to crop the areas for a few years, but with the hills we graze, it isn’t always a good option for control.”
Lyle Scheetz
Lucerne, Iowa
“In our area, the hardest part of pasture management is controlling thistles. It seems like every year they are somewhere new. We do a lot of spot spraying with Milestone and it seems to be somewhat effective, but they keep coming back no matter how well we think we have them under control.”
Neal Siela
Vinton, Iowa
“Luckily, we don’t have too many problems with our pastures in my area. Most of that is due to the tight management we use to keep things grazed down and moving the cattle frequently to avoid overuse problems.”
Andrew Olson
Lewiston, Minnesota